A colorful breakfast: Omelette Recipe with Asparagus in The Oven


A delicious and healthy breakfast recipe; Omelette Recipe with Asparagus in The Oven

The star of the weekend breakfasts, Omelette recipe with asparagus in the oven. Weekend breakfasts are something else. We care more, spend more time at the table, have a conversation, newspapers and magazines are read at length. In short, we all love weekend breakfasts.

We would like to try different recipes besides cheese, eggs, cucumber, tomatoes and jams that are not missing on the tables prepared with care.The omelette recipe with asparagus in the oven, is a flavor that will meet this exact search. Although it is very practical, the aroma of asparagus is really different and delicious. This recipe must be tried at the weekend, the tables must be festive!

Bon Appetit !

Ingredients for Omelette Recipe with Asparagus in The Oven
  • 8 pieces of asparagus (hard parts removed, bottom parts peeled)

  • 10 eggs (scrambled)

  • 1 glass of powdered parmesan cheese (grated cheddar cheese if desired)

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper

  • 2 spoonful butter

How to Make Omelette Recipe with Asparagus in The Oven ?

  1. Boil water and salt in a bis sauce pan. Throw the asparagus, 2 finger thick, into boiled water and drain after 4 minutes.

  2. Grease a baking pan or rectangular tubular glass with butter.

  3. For the beaten eggs, add the powdered parmesan, salt and pepper, beat again and pour into the mold.

  4. Sprinkle the asparagus all over your scrambled egg mixture.

  5. Bake in a preheated 170 degree oven for 20 minutes.

  6. After removing from oven, slice square and serve hot.

Source: Yemek.com

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